Automating Code Formatting with Bash and Prettier
Code formatting can be a tedious and time-consuming task, but it’s also an essential part of writing clean and maintainable code. Inconsistent formatting can make it difficult to read and understand code and can even introduce bugs or errors.
Fortunately, there are tools available that can automate code formatting and ensure consistency across your codebase. Prettier is one such tool, and it’s become a popular choice among developers for its ease of use and flexibility.
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to configure Prettier to automatically format your code using a pre-commit hook and a configuration file, including how to use a local configuration file to override a global configuration file.
Step 1: Install Prettier
The first step is to install Prettier in your project. You can do this using npm or yarn:
npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier
yarn add --dev --exact prettier
This installs Prettier as a development dependency in your project and ensures that you have a specific version of Prettier installed that will not change unexpectedly.
Step 2: Create a Global Prettier Configuration File
Next, you’ll need to create a global configuration file for Prettier. This file tells Prettier how to format your code and allows you to customize the formatting options to suit your preferences.
Create a file called .prettierrc
in the root of your project, and add the following contents:
"trailingComma": "es5",
"tabWidth": 2,
"semi": true,
"singleQuote": true
This configuration specifies that Prettier should use a comma after the last element in an array or object (using the “es5” option), use 2 spaces for indentation, add semicolons at the end of statements, and use single quotes for strings.
You can customize these options to suit your project’s coding style and conventions. For a full list of options and their values, see the Prettier documentation.
Step 3: Create a Local Prettier Configuration File
When working on a project with an existing .prettierrc
configuration, you may find that the formatting is difficult to read and work with or doesn’t match your personal preferences. For example, the line width may be set to 80, which can be too small for some screen sizes and cause discomfort when reading the code. To address this issue, you can create a local configuration file that allows you to override the global Prettier configuration and customize the formatting options to your preferences.
To create a local configuration file, create a file called .prettierrc.local.json
in the root of your project and specify the desired formatting options. For example, you can set the tab width to 4 spaces instead of the 2 spaces specified in the global configuration. This ensures that your code is formatted according to your preferences without affecting the formatting of other files in the project.
"tabWidth": 4,
"printWidth": 120
This configuration specifies that Prettier should use 4 spaces for indentation, instead of the 2 spaces specified in the global configuration, and change the line width to 120 instead of the default 80 characters.
Additionally, to ensure that your changes to the code do not cause unnecessary formatting changes when committing the code, we will use a pre-commit hook. This hook runs Prettier on the files that are about to be committed and ensures that they are formatted according to .prettierrc
configuration file. This way, your code is formatted according to your preferences while still maintaining consistency with the project’s overall formatting standards.
Step 4: Configure VS Code to Use the Local Configuration File
To use the local configuration file in VS Code, you need to add the prettier.configPath
option to your VS Code settings. This tells the Prettier extension to use the local configuration file instead of the global configuration file.
To do this, open your VS Code settings (File > Preferences > Settings or using the shortcut Ctrl+,), and add the following line to your settings:
"prettier.configPath": "./.prettierrc.local.json"
This configuration specifies the path to the local configuration file.
Step 5: Install the Prettier Extension in VS Code
To use Prettier in VS Code, you must also install the Prettier extension. The extension provides integration with Prettier and makes it easy to run Prettier on your code directly from the editor.
To install the Prettier extension, open the Extensions view in VS Code (View > Extensions or using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X), search for “Prettier — Code formatter”, and click the Install button.
Step 6: Create a Pre-Commit Hook
Now that Prettier is installed and configured, you can create a pre-commit hook that will automatically run Prettier on your code before each commit and ensure that all code is properly formatted.
Create a file called .git/hooks/pre-commit
(without a file extension) in your project, and add the following contents:
# Get the list of files added or modified in this commit
files=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | grep "\.js$")
# If there are no JavaScript files, exit without doing anything
if [ -z "$files" ]; then
exit 0
# Run Prettier on the changed files using the shared configuration file
echo "Running Prettier on the following files:"
echo "$files"
for file in $files; do
npx --no-install prettier --config .prettierrc --write "$file"
git add "$file"
This script does the following:
- It uses Git to determine which files have been modified and staged for commit and filters the list to include only JavaScript and JSX files.
- It runs Prettier on the staged files using both the global configuration file and the local configuration file and writes the corrected formatting back to the files.
- It uses Git to add the modified files back to the index so that the corrected formatting is included in the commit.
- It prints a message to the console indicating that Prettier has formatted the code.
- This script ensures that all staged JavaScript and JSX files are automatically formatted with Prettier before each commit, using both the global and local configuration files.
Make sure to make the pre-commit hook executable by running the following command in your bash terminal:
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
Step 7: Test the Pre-Commit Hook
To test the pre-commit hook, you can create a test commit that introduces some formatting errors in your code and see if the hook detects and fixes them before the commit is made.
Here’s an example workflow for testing the pre-commit hook:
1. Create a new file called test.js
in your project directory and add some intentionally bad formatting to it. For example:
const test=()=>{console.log('test');}
2. Stage the file for commit using git add test.js
3. Attempt to commit the changes using git commit -m “Test commit”
4. If the pre-commit hook is working properly, it should detect the formatting errors in test.js
and fix them automatically. The output in your terminal should look something like this:
Running Prettier on the following files:
[warn] test.js
Code formatted with 1 warning
The [warn]
message indicates that Prettier has detected a formatting error in the file, and the Code formatted with 1 warning
message indicates that Prettier has corrected the formatting error.
By following the steps in this tutorial, you can ensure that all of your code is consistently formatted without having to spend time manually formatting each file. This can save you time and reduce the risk of formatting-related errors in your code.
If you enjoy automating tasks in your development workflow, you might also be interested in my other post on automating the creation of React components.
I hope this tutorial has been helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments!
Update: Excited to share that I’ve significantly enhanced this pre-commit hook! Read about the evolved version with ESLint integration, colorized output, and parallel processing in my new post: “Level Up Your Pre-Commit Hook: Beyond Formatting”.